
What I Learned this Summer in the Car Business

September 1, 2021

Hari Bhushan

It’s been a long journey since March of 2020. While we have learned a lot of lessons about how to sell cars, acquire inventory, and hold gross in turbulent times, the pandemic did little to prepare us for the summer of 2021. The past few months stand out in stark contrast to Bryan Adams and his Summer of ‘69. And while I learned a lot about life from that song, I found the summer of ‘21 to be extremely illuminating.

I guess if anything good came from the lockdown, it was the acceleration of digital retailing for the automotive industry. This came as a bit of unexpected change for dealers during the chip shortages. The result of scant materials led to scarce inventory, and ultimately a spike in used car prices.

All of that is to say that I learned a lot about the car business this summer. So, to best help you succeed during fall and winter, I decided to compile a list of all my learnings. I will be interviewing people from around the industry to discuss topics such as digital retailing, the sight-unseen appraisal, the zero-click search, forming good habits, and doing away with friction.

I’m excited to see where the automotive retail industry goes next. And I want to do my best to help you prepare to kick butt. Stay tuned as I roll out a new topic and interview each week until the end of summer. As always, like, follow and connect to engage with me on social media. Let’s continue strong and press forward into the end of the year.

Take a look at all the lessons I learned this summer: The Customer is in Control, Google My Business, Smart Dealers Stay Sharp and Ahead and Buy ‘Em All.