
Top 5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Inventory Management Today

December 29, 2020

Hari Bhushan

Your inventory is critical to your operations. In order to maximize the potential of your dealership, you need to make sure that every asset you have is accounted for and merchandised correctly. Proper inventory management is core to your success. Now, more than ever before, your inventory matters. With that in mind, here are the top five reasons to upgrade your inventory management system (IMS).

5. Simplicity

It’s time to say goodbye to your old clunky and complicated IMS. The days of searching through duplicated data files are over. The modern IMS contains advanced analytics and a streamlined UX to help you manage your inventory quickly and efficiently. You don’t need to look much further than this when considering an upgrade, especially when an IMS is functional and sleek.

4. Ads and Syndication

Your IMS needs to work for you. And it needs to work both harder and smarter. That’s why a best-in-class vehicle merchandising software needs to be backed by the most complete data platform available in the industry. It’s not enough to simply have the information for your vehicles. Rather, you need to be able to accurately, quickly, and efficiently build your ads based on that data. This will empower your salesforce to sell more cars...faster.

3. Integration

Integration is important, and unfortunately not every IMS is created the same. When it comes to your DMS, CRM, website, and data providers, an open platform IMS is necessary to leverage all of the aspects of your inventory. Imagine having an IMS capable of seamlessly bridging systems while being proficient in speaking the complex languages of other platforms.  

2. Analytics

The backbone of your IMS. Couple powerful analytics for dealers with user-friendly dashboards and you get a truly omnichannel solution for your operations. The analytics will drive your decisions and provide you with powerful data and information. A streamlined interface for you paired with the ability to manage inventory and precisely reflect the most current fair market value of each vehicle will be a game-changer for any dealership.

1. 24/7 Support

As a dealer, you are never in this alone. Modern systems allow you to be always connected. An IMS needs to work as hard as you do. And for that to happen, you need support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Think of how critical this really comes in handy when a hiccup occurs in your showroom. No matter the time of day, you need to have confidence that your IMS can keep up with your workload.

Never give up in the fight for quality tools and solutions to elevate your dealership to new levels. An IMS is crucial for making sure your inventory is ready to be merchandised and moved. No matter what you are currently using, make sure that your IMS matches your prevailing needs while being scalable for future integrations.

FirstLook from MAX Digital delivers the ability to analyze millions of VINs daily while including OEM window stickers. No other inventory management tool has better data than FirstLook. With robust desktop and mobile solutions, equip your team with end-to-end visibility of your entire pre-owned operations process. Schedule a demo today!