
New Google Advancements Elevate Automotive Retail

July 14, 2021

Hari Bhushan

The way we sell cars has drastically changed over the years. Some tried and true methods are still lingering around, but the future of digital retailing is here. Google has been a great ally to car dealerships for some time now. And, as their systems mature to provide enhanced shopping journeys for consumers, it’s up to car dealerships to adapt the way these tools are utilized to best interact with customers. Google My Business and VDP continues to work hard to advance these touchpoints to provide an unparalleled experience.

But how does this directly impact car dealerships? Easy. The newest launch of updates to Google My Business and VDP brings a slew of enhancements that can help you attract a wider audience and sell more cars. First, messaging is now available on Google VDP for Android users. This chat button functionality brings you closer to potential customers and allows an extra touchpoint for engagement. This directly streamlines the customer experience by offering a new opportunity to speak directly with your team. A version of iOS is coming soon.

The next update to Google VDP allows users to view similar cars at a specific dealership. Another feature that will greatly enhance the customer experience, this addition will help users continue their car buying journey without leaving the page. This makes the shopping experience easier and faster, leaving customer with more options than ever before. When the feature was tested, it saw a direct increase in clicks to see more cars.

Google also put an emphasis on updating the feed. Changes have been made to improve the specification to make VDP URLs and images optional. The catch being that while the data sets are now optional, inventories missing the VDP or image might rank lower than before. The goal is to explore how consumers are utilizing automotive digital retailing to best help their journey while increasing your exposure.

But that’s not all. Google has a lot up their sleeves for the future. In order to help your customer find the best deal (and for you to find the best customer), Google is toying with a desktop version of cars for sale on Business Profiles. Being able to bring more eyes on your inventory increases traffic to your lot. In order to maximize the visibility of traffic to your VDP, Google is also working on releasing performance reporting to your existing dashboard. This will provide a complete picture of how many clicks you are getting on the various buttons of your Google VDP.

As you continue to battle for that illusive zero-click spot on Google, you will need a partner with the means available to help you understand, deploy, and manage these resources. MAX Digital is here to help you best maximize Google for your dealership’s success. With a strong focus on customer experience and automotive digital retailing, MAX Digital can assist you in leveraging your Google My Business and VDP listings to help boost your reputation and sell more cars. Schedule your free consultation today, and discover all the ways MAX Digital aids in inventory management, sales enablement, and beyond.