
MAXDigital Is Proud to Give a Sneak Peak of MAX Path to Purchase

March 21, 2018

Online shopping and the growth of the accessibility of information have fundamentally transformed the way consumers want to buy goods. With all these changes, many auto dealerships are struggling to keep up and meet the changing expectations of customers.

To help dealerships keep up with modern sales trend, MAXDigital is pleased to introduce MAX Path to Purchase, a first-of-its-kind sales solution to help you align the way you sell with the way customers want to buy.

Introducing MAX Path to Purchase

What Modern Consumers Want When Purchasing Products

Today’s shoppers have become accustomed to a streamlined buying experience. When shopping for nearly any product, they’re looking for:

  • Simplicity – With most online purchases, customers want a clear, predictable process.
  • Transparency – Modern consumers are used to having easy access to detailed and accurate product and pricing information.
  • Speed – People don’t want to spend hours buying one product.

By the time most consumers drive off the lot in their car, they’ve spent up to five hours browsing lots, negotiating, and waiting. This current car-buying process is incompatible with the way customers expect to buy goods. If traditional dealerships want to stay relevant, something needs to change.

Dealerships are taking note of this. According to a January 2018 Dealership Process and Turnover Survey conducted by MAXDigital, 41 percent of dealerships are considering changes to the way they sell in the next 12 months.

How MAX Path to Purchase Helps You Simplify the Buying Process

MAX Path to Purchase lets dealerships rebuild your sales strategy to meet the needs of modern consumers and shave hours off the car-buying process. It offers customers a technology-aided way to find and buy the vehicle they want.

Using modern sales enhancement tools reduces haggling, making the sale easier for your customers and helping your sales team maintain your profit margin.

With this simple and transparent new process, you can also expect a higher CSI score.

Other Benefits of MAX Path to Purchase

Another issue facing dealerships is the number of salespeople leaving the industry. With 74% annual salesperson turnover rate, investing in a new salesperson seems like a riskier prospect every year. One of the most prevalent reasons people leave their sales roles is a lack of training.

MAX Path to Purchase helps you keep your sales team on board and successful by providing a simple and easy-to-follow process in which to train and retrain your sales staff.

Where Can You Learn More About MAX’s Latest Product?

MAXDigital is providing a sneak preview of MAX Path to Purchase at NADA 2018. If you aren’t attending this year, make sure to keep up with MAXDigital for more information.