
How Social Media Is Influencing Automotive Merchandising

October 22, 2023

As of 2023, there are an estimated 4.8 billion social media users worldwide¹. Automotive dealerships can tap into this market to connect with consumers and drive sales. That said, a successful social selling strategy requires more than simply posting once a month. Discover best practices for leveraging automotive social media content below.

What Is Social Selling?

Social selling refers to the practice of using social media channels to generate sales leads. This doesn't necessarily mean that you're selling products directly through the social platform. Instead, it's about using social media to connect with prospects and engage with consumers, bringing them closer to your brand.

How Automotive Social Media Content Is Used to Sell

Automotive dealerships that are new to social selling may wonder if it's worth the effort of setting up and managing social media accounts. Done right, social media can benefit car dealers in many ways:

  • Enhance visibility: Social media is a great way to reach a wider audience and boost brand awareness. You can keep your brand at the forefront of your audience's memory by constantly reaching them through social channels.
  • Improve audience engagement: Through social media, dealerships can interact directly with consumers. For example, you can solicit feedback through surveys and address concerns directly in comment sections.
  • Gain competitive research insights: Social media is also a great way to see what your competitors are doing, giving you valuable inspiration. It's also a great way to track market trends.
  • Enjoy diverse marketing opportunities: In addition to boosting brand awareness, social media can be used in various marketing methods, like influencer marketing, paid ads, and more.
  • Get audience statistics: Many social media platforms provide analytics about details like users' ages and locations. You can use this information to target your social media activity more precisely.

Tips for Automotive Social Media Marketing

Social selling can help automotive dealerships reach new customers and stay connected to old ones. Try these best practices to make the most of this powerful tool.

Use Diverse Channels

To maximize the impact of social selling, utilize more than one medium. For example, you may find that Facebook has more Baby Boomers, while Instagram has more Millennials. Meanwhile, Gen Z is more likely to be found on platforms like TikTok². Pick one or two channels to focus on and then broaden your reach as you gain confidence.

Capitalize on Visuals

Data suggests that the average human attention span is actually shorter than that of a goldfish, at 8 seconds³. This means people are unlikely to stop and read big chunks of text. Images cater to shorter attention spans. Instead of posting only still photos, make use of videos, which are more engaging and keep people on the page longer.

Diversify Your Content

Whatever platform you're posting on, aim for a mix of content types. You don't just want to post promotional videos highlighting your products 24/7, because consumers will feel like you're simply trying to sell them something. Mix it up with customer testimonials, product demos, and answers to frequently asked questions. Prioritize helpful content that provides value. An example might be a how-to guide to preparing your new car for winter.

Make Your Socials Stand Out

To keep your social media channel engaging and make it worth following, it needs to add something extra that your other promotional channels lack. Practical content is one route worth taking. To make your social platforms even more appealing, add social-only promotions and deals. People are more likely to follow you if they know they're going to save money.

Engage With Your Audience

The entire point of social media is to engage with other people. Don't just post and go. Take the time to read and reply to comments, queries, and complaints. React to both positive and negative comments. More on how to handle the negatives next.

Don't Delete Negative Comments

If you get a complaint or other negative feedback through social media channels, don't delete it. Deleting a negative comment will usually offend an already angry customer. Instead, address the commenter and connect them to your customer service instead. Try to handle the issue one-on-one offline, not on social media⁴.

Create a Comprehensive Strategy

Maintaining a social media calendar can be challenging, especially when you're running a business. It's easier to post regularly if you have your content mapped out. Explore tools like HootSuite, which you can use to create social media calendars and even automate posting.

Automotive social media marketing can help boost your vehicle dealership's business—if you use it the right way. It requires more than simply posting a photo of a car every so often. Educate yourself about how to best use this valuable tool. The above tips can help you start your social selling journey.


  1. Nyst, A. (14 July 2023). 134 Social Media Statistics You Need To Know For 2023. Search Engine Journal. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from
  2. How Different Age Groups Are Using Social Media 2023. Target Internet. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from
  3. Miles, S. (28 April 2020). Images are More Important than Ever — Here’s Why. Business 2 Community. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from
  4. Baker, A. (15 March 2023). How do Brands Handle Negative Comments on Social Media? SocialPilot. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from