
Finding Your Voice in a Crowded Showroom

December 13, 2022

Hari Bhushan

Have you ever found yourself at a conference or networking event only to discover that you forgot your business cards? How exactly is it possible to connect with other professionals if you aren't able to pass along your contact information? Chances are the floor is packed with people. Loud voices, laughter, and vigorous handshaking. So how do you stand out in a crowded room?This scenario plays out across multiple industries every day. And honestly, automotive retail is no different. Take that analogy and apply it to how you operate. Day-to-day business models have your dealership going head-to-head with countless other lots, oftentimes on the same exact block. As a result, you need to hone your voice and style your brand to help you stand out from the competition. And that starts by creating a unique experience at your dealership.Beginning with how you market, think critically about the different touchpoints that a consumer will encounter when engaging with your brand. Don't underestimate the power of your name and reputation either. There is a serious connection to be made between how you communicate and what you say. Sharpen your outreach by controlling the information available about your inventory.For writing ads, be smart and dynamic. Understand what customers are going to be searching for and make sure your descriptions stand out. Consumers have an average attention span of just 8 seconds. That means your ads are a battleground to deliver valuable details based on existing OEM data. The packages, the upgrades, the language of the ad…these all make a difference in converting a site visit to a dealership one. Find what makes you unique and position your store to stand tall on the block. Marketing is one way to stand out, but you can't market properly if you don't have the right inventory. Stocking your lot with vehicles that will move is important to being a bold presence in automotive retail. Consumers want to know that they can trust that the right vehicle is available. For them, it is about more than just walking onto the lot and grabbing the keys. So, how do you know what to stock?Start by leveraging data that matches your dealership's demand. Understanding how your brand interacts with consumer needs helps you to best provide opportunities. You'll gain access to unparalleled insights that shine a light on how you can be serving your customers. This will make your lot notable for being able to serve local consumers. Once you have the inventory, the next important step is to make sure you are pricing it right. And look, there is a lot of volatility in the market. It's all too easy to price your vehicles outside customer expectations. But if you are looking to sharpen your brand's image, then you must price in a way that keeps you competitive without racing to the bottom. Continue to utilize quality data that helps paint a picture of the true value of your vehicles. Build trust and transparency and meet consumers halfway. This will enhance your reputation as a consultant in the sales process instead of a roadblock. Finally, put a focus on the overall customer experience. From your sales to service and even F&I, your team needs to exceed consumer expectations. When you are selling, sell on value. Illustrate the robust features of a car by walking consumers through the process together. Don't isolate or silo them in the process. Empower your salespeople to be product experts. Customer service goes beyond donuts and coffee. In the modern world, it means thinking holistically about how you can reduce friction points.Put yourself in the shopper's shoes and evaluate each corner of the experience you provide. Customers will notice the little touches. Whether it is your community outreach or an interactive buying process, engage with them and walk through the funnel together. Consumers will remember what shopping at your dealership was like. They will tell their friends, leave online reviews, and think of you when the time comes for them to purchase their next vehicle. Find your voice and talk customers through the overall experience.All too often, it is possible to have our voices drowned out by the crashing waves of modern society. From sandwich boards to social media, your interactions with consumers need to fire on all cylinders. If not, you risk falling behind and becoming a forgotten name in the automotive industry. Discover what makes you different from the pack and highlight those aspects.Moving forward, you need to partner with vendors who understand the unique nature of your brand and business. Automotive retail isn't one size fits all. It is a growing industry with evolving pain points. MAX Digital is capable of helping you create a broad understanding of where you are today while helping you build a roadmap for the future. Our advanced tools are built on sophisticated data that allows you to understand your market. You will be able to stock your lot, price it competitively, and sell it in new ways. Schedule your consultation today and discover all the ways that MAX Digital can help you find your voice in a crowded marketplace.