
How You Can Get Higher Profit Margins with MAXDigital

August 3, 2017

Hari Bhushan

The modern automotive customer comes into the dealership armed with information consumers of the past didn't have. These shoppers have been researching their decision for hours before they step in the door, and they know the market value of the car they want. Often they know this value even better than your sales staff.

Intimidated and unable to back up the price, salespeople often drop it to make the sale. These discounts add up over time and can have a huge impact on your business. MAX Digital can help you stop the drop and get higher profit margins on the vehicles you sell.

Learn How MAX Digital Can Help You Stop the Drop and Increase Your Profit Margins

The first step to solving a problem is assessing the situation. How often are you experiencing the drop? MAX Digital’s “Assess Your Drop” quiz can help you see how well you’re currently protecting your profit margins. The quiz takes just five minutes and can highlight areas where you can improve.

No matter what your score is, you can always do more to prevent the discounts. The MAX Digital platform is full of tools that help you defend your price and stop the drop.

Justify Your Price Online

MAX starts fighting the drop before your customers even step onto the showroom.  Our comprehensive merchandising tool and content generation engine create thoroughly detailed VDPs for your web page. These VDPs include price justification with several proof points, including market comparisons. With the knowledge that they’re getting a fair price, shoppers are less likely to try to lower the price more.

Turn Your Team Into Experts

It is impossible for every one of your salespeople to know every vehicle inside and out. MAX puts the information they need to become experts at their fingertips. The MAX Digital Showroom app lets your team instantly access the vehicle information they need to hold firm on the price.

MAX can do even more to give you the higher profit margins you’ve always wanted. From sourcing affordable cars to providing powerful analytic tools, there’s something for you on our platform. Schedule a demonstration or contact us at (888) 841-0884 to learn more about what MAX can do for you